Gorkha Municipality -6, Chhahare- Gorkha




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Gorkha 11 August, 2021

Education is one of the Major Themes of the SSICDC. SSICDC believes in making education within the reach of every individual. SSICDC had implemented formal and non-formal educational activities in Gorkha districts as well as earthquake emergency period. SSICDC always advocates for the free and compulsory reach of every individual and society in the context of the emergency all the aspects of the society were destroyed and education institutions were no exception to it. SSICDC made a deliberate effort to sustain and retain the education in reach of every individual. In 2016 and 2017 SSICDC have made a significant achievement in the sector of education. Some of the significant achievements are:

  • Classroom management has created an effective learning environment in 51 schools.
  • DRR & School Health-Nutrition-related activities incorporated in School Improvement Plans of 51 schools and implemented effectively.
  • 19 Child club members initiated wall magazine publication
  • 14 out of children enrolled in school.
  • 89 TLCs furnished and winterized.
  • 64 Classrooms of 7 Schools were constructed and handed over to respected schools.
  • Teachers were provided different trainings, who are delivering quality education and learning environment:- Early Child Development (ECD) Training to 44 Teachers, Early Learning Math (ELM) Training to 51 Teachers, Active Teaching Learning (ATL) Training to 48 Teachers, School Health & Nutrition Training to 51 Teachers, School Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Training to 51 Teachers,
  • 51 schools had developed DRR plans and DRR based school mapping through the Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (VCA).
  • 2865 primary level children benefited through the health screening service.
  • 850 children had got the stationery support.
  • 21 out of 51 schools have met the minimum standard of Quality Learning Environment (QLE baseline & End line survey) 

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