Street drama of gender based voilence showed at Siranchok RM, Chorkate, Gorkha
Shree Surya Jyoti Secondary School building handover program @ Barpak Sulikot RM -6, Takukot, Gorkha
cardamom farming under CERRP
Joint Monitoring Visit
Indoor Air polution declear free program
On the Occasion of Teej festival with SSICDC team
Transitional Shelter Handover ceremony to shyamchet landslide affected HHs at Aarughat RM-1, Gorkha
Ward building handover ceromoney @ Aarughat Rural Municipality - 1, Manbu, Gorkha
Enhancing access of women to Justice
Ward building handover ceromoney @ Aarughat Rural Municipality - 5, Gorkha
Handwashing Station Handover
News brocasted by Nepal Television of women group building handover @ Gorkha
Joint Monitoring Visit of Finland Ambassador