Gorkha Municipality -6, Chhahare- Gorkha



Gender Based Voilence (GBV)

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Gender Based Voilence (GBV)

Gorkha 11 August, 2021

SSICDC has also given importance to the strengthening of community-based protection mechanisms to ensure the protection of women and children. Taking the crucial scenario of abuse neglect and discrimination in the society SSICDC believes in equal opportunity and equal access to service and justice to all groups of people of the community. Some of the major achievements in the theme are •Identified 54 poverty pocket areas, 162 REFLECT groups formed and class conducting smoothly, as well as 108 CJRP,113, REFLECT Management Committee Formed through underline courses of Poverty vulnerable Assessment(UCAPVA Tools) and Participatory Well Being Ranking(PWBR) Tools • people have Started to Share their fillings emotion, sorrow and grief during the REFLECT Session without any hesitation and express this is the real place for sharing own bitter experience. • REFLECT participants Decided to repair and improve Foot trail which was not repaired for many years. • Started to claim and receive target budget from the ward office which was not known properly in its process • Ownership from the elected body and active participation during the initial phase of Project activities to date. • Identify genuine issues related to traditional social norms through REFLECT Class • Conduct jointly cultural public event in a collaborative way with the lead by Women REFLECT Group of Chhoprak that created trust build of Project for Community level. Referral mechanism: Access mapping at Palungtar MP-2, Chapabhanjyang Annual Report SSICDC 2073-74 Page 2 Women in Nepal have limited mobility and access to resources due to the patriarchal nature of Nepalese society. Consequently, women are not only exposed to GBV but are also unaware of referral services available in the community. It remains essential that the community people are well aware of the referral system available in their community. SSICDC provided information to GBV survivors, especially vulnerable women and adolescent girls about the existing referral services. 8 people were financially supported and many more were provided with technical suggestions for a referral. Among the 8 cases that have received the support, 2 referral cases received citizenship cards from Barpak, 3 cases got disability cards from Harmhi and 3 cases of pregnant women from Barpak VDC referred to District Hospital for getting emergency obstetric service. Altogether 17 cases being referred to different agencies. Similarly, 6 community mobilizers were trained on GBV protection and awareness measures. SSICDC disseminated messages on GBV issues such as legal implications of early marriage as stated in the newly promulgated constitution, referral services available, legal implications of polygamy, issues of rape and domestic violence, among others, and ways to mitigate them. These programs reached 2768 beneficiaries (1005 males and 1763 females).To be aware & sensitize the community people on GBV volunteers were mobilized at the community level. Volunteers were trained on psychosocial first aid, referral & case management. Through this, they disseminate the message on referral mechanism and GBV in the community. 184 community people receive psychosocial service. SSICDC also organized 8 episodes of Community Theater for raising awareness on GBV issues.

Main Activities:

  • Community Mobilization
  • Awareness-raising orientation
  • Community Awareness Center formation and conduct the reflect class.
  • Day celebration (women day)
  • essay, folk song, speech competition about gender-based violence, 
  • Local-level justice committee support activities (ie. orientation, training to justice committee and mediators, etc)
  • Coordination meeting with justice committee and police
  • facilitation on male, female, and child reflect class.
  • Review the community score care.
  • Preparation and Implementation of Social change and social security plan
  • school safety program, workshop etc.

Are you ready to help others People!