Gorkha Municipality -6, Chhahare- Gorkha
Start Date:
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End Date:
End Time:
30 Mar, 2008
10:00 AM
30 Oct, 2011
05:00 AM
Tripurakot and Shunh VDCs of Dolpa District.
The government of Nepal with the financial assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is implemented the Community-Based Water Supply and Sanitation Project (CBWSSP) during the period 2004-2011. The goal of the project is poverty alleviation through improved health and quality of life of the people living in the 1200 rural communities. The Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW) is the executing agency. Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) is the implementing agency at the central level, and District Development Committee (DDC) at the district level. CBWSSP will have a district-level Community Water Supply and Sanitation Unite Office under DDC in each project district.
This project is designed with a demand-driven approach to responding to the user's need for rural community-based water supply and sanitation services. The community’s demand is most evidenced by a willingness to pay for those services. This is why the project has aimed for greater community involvement in planning and implementation and full responsibilities of Operation & Maintenance (O&M) activities.
To ensure objectivity in prioritizing the water supply and sanitation sub-project, selection criteria will be established. The criteria should reflect socio-economic and health conditions, coverage of water supply, and sanitation.
Facilities, poverty level, Gender. Caste and Ethnicity factors and community demand for improving water supply and sanitation services in the village. The project will focus on the poor communities, where inadequate water supply and sanitation have adversely affected the health status and quality of life.
The project objectives are to (i) improve water supply and sanitation facilities and provide a health and hygiene education program in each community, (ii) support community participation in the development of water supply and sanitation facilities, and (iii) conduct gender, caste and ethnic group development programs, empower them and launch income generation and educational activities.
Planning Phase: Socio-economic Survey, data entry, Report Preparation, Base Line Survey, Poverty ranking, Gender cost and Ethnic group Orientation Training, Community Awareness Camping, Household Listing, Pre-feasibility Study and Report Preparation, WSUC Orientation Training.
Development Phase: Training for Community Female Health Volunteer, Non-formal education facilitator, School Teacher Students Group, WUSC pre-construction Training, Sanitation Mason Training, Village Maintenance Worker Training, Promotion of Household Toilet, Personal, Household and environmental Sanitation, School Toilet Survey, Design, Estimate and Construction, Water Supply System Planning, Survey, Design, and approved by the community.
Implementation Phase: Help Community on Market Survey, Procurement of Non-local Material, Water Supply System Construction, Completion of household Toilet construction, WSUC Account Training, Operation, and Maintenance Training, Water Supply System Management Training, Health and hygiene education to mother tap stand group, report Preparation, and Submission.
Post Implementation Phase: Monitor the States of Sanitation revolving lone fond, operation and maintenance fond collection, scheme functioning states, WSUC post-construction training, village maintenance worker training, Open Deification Free Area Declaration, report prepare, and Submission.
1. Ruma CBWSSP: Pipe Length 5.46 km, Tap Stand no. 8, BPT no. 1, IC no. 8, CC no. 1, Intake 1, RVT no. 2, and School Toilet 1.
2. Rasi CBWSSP: Pipe Length 4.35 km, Tap Stand no. 11, BPT no. 1, IC no.4, CC no. 1, Intake 1, RVT no. 2 and School Toilet 2.
3. Ranga CBWSSP: Pipe Length 3.62 km, Tap Stand no. 12, BPT no. 2, IC no.1, Intake 1, RVT no. 2 and School Toilet 1